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Avoid Unintentional Missteps in the Hiring Process – Part 3: Nail the Interview

You’ve reviewed hundreds of resumes and you’re excited to start interviewing. Show your enthusiasm by acting appropriately in the interview.

Tip #3: Put Your Best Foot Forward When You Meet Face-to-Face.

Chances are the candidate sitting in front of you has put major effort into their appearance today. They have thoughtfully prepared both in dress and knowledge. They most likely spent hours researching your firm and they are prepared to talk business, engage and ask questions. Show mutual respect by giving them your undivided attention, ask questions and run on time.

Stay Off Your Phone and Computer

Give the candidate your undivided attention. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard horror stories about interviewers texting, taking a call or answering a quick question or email while they are interviewing a candidate.

Engage with the Applicant

Engage with your applicants. Candidates know that they need to come ready to speak, ask questions and field your questions. Don’t make the mistake of talking the whole time, interrupting or driving the entire conversation. This is a great opportunity to interact with the candidate and get to know more about what makes them tick. Have your questions ready and be prepared to listen and engage. Refer to last weeks tip on how to properly prepare for the interview.

Respect The Applicant’s Time

Respect the applicant’s time. They have made an effort to show up on time and it goes a long way if you also show the same respect by starting on-time and ending on-time. Often interviews are in the middle of the day and there is a good chance the applicant is on a break and needs to return to their job. Consider asking the candidate about their timeframe so expectations are set and both of you are on the same page. Recently, I heard a story about a woman who flew in to a new town for an interview. She waited three hours only to miss her scheduled flight home. Be aware and offer the same treatment you would like to receive.

To ensure you put your best foot forward and are prepared to leave a good impression on your candidates, consult with a professional. Keep in mind, it’s the little nuances that create a huge impression and can be the deal breaker for a stellar candidate to decide to work with you.

Catch up with us next week for Tip #4: Follow Up

HRinDemand is committed to helping small businesses avoid unintentional missteps in the hiring process and the entire HR process. If you have comments, questions, or concerns regarding your HR Processes, call us at 775-400-1322 or contact us.

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